Hello dear netizen! You seem to have stumbled upon my html.
This collection of english words I am putting together aims to make
good use of your time here. I will be writing about tech, my
opinions about the world, prose or stanzas, experiences, short
notes, ideas - all here.
I graduated in 2022, but I have been
working more or less since I was 17 or maybe 16 if you count a
completely unpaid C# project.
Currently I am researching,
building products that make mindful use of LLMs or AI. I have been
cognizant to the notion that AI in its current state is nothing but
thousands of different UIs centered around a textbox. I believe a
good product should challenge that norm.
Areas of product that
intrigue me in general are 'tools for thought' and 'knowledge/text
segmentation'. I have been day-dreaming a software paradigm that
lets humans interact with their knowledge in physical form.